Counselor Life

Core Camp Themes

These four themes guide everything we do as a summer camp. They are essential to the staff, counselor, and camper experience! life, as well as camper life, at Mountain Meadow Ranch.


Humans need connection! Keeping our camp family small enables everyone to feel included and form genuine connections. Making friends is natural in a place that celebrates uniqueness, authenticity, and a sense of family. A lot of our campers come back year after year!


Humans need time in the present moment. Taking time away from the constant buzz of technology, time for quiet, for the sounds of nature, for true rest. As we unplug from technology, we find joy as we plug back into an authentic life.


Humans need nature. Our program encourages campers to fall in love with the great outdoors. The hills, forest, and streams surrounding the ranch beckon adventurous campers. This beautiful environment provides ample opportunity for grounding and immersion in nature.


Humans are meant to grow! Mountain Meadow Ranch is a place where campers conquer fears, overcome challenges, and find themselves amidst a vibrant and supportive community. There are boundless opportunities here to discover all that you can be.

A Typical Day for Counselors 

6:30am Early morning activities. Round-Up, Polar Plunge, Jogging, Yoga, Out Trips, and more may be an option for your camper! Even if you are not leading one of these activities, it will be your responsibility to ensure your camper is up and at ’em and ready to participate.

7:00am Get ready for the day!

7:30am Set up Breakfast. If it your cabin’s turn to “set up” for meal time, all of your campers will be down in the Dining Hall at this time to set the tables.

8am Breakfast

8:45am Cabin Clean-Up. As a cabin counselor, you will help teach the importance of living in a clean environment and how to work together as a cabin group to get it done.

9:15am Activity Time! Campers gather at the campfire to choose their morning activities.

10:45am Snack Break

12pm Activities close. Campers and staff clean up and line up for lunch. All activities close down for some hang time at the pool/lagoon. The cabin with set-up duty will be at the dining hall preparing the tables for lunch.

12:30pm Lunch

1:15pm Rest Period. This time is used to get campers rested for the second half of the day and to allow one of the cabin counselors a pre-scheduled hour off.

2:45pm Activity Time! Campers gather to choose their afternoon activity.

4:15pm Snack Break

5:30pm Activities close. All activities close down for some hang time at the pool/lagoon. The cabin with set-up duty will be at the dining hall preparing the tables for dinner.

6pm Dinner

6:45pm Story Time. The entire camp family gathers for Story Time, Handle Time, and Mail Call.

7:30pm Evening Activity! All of camp joins together for Capture the Flag, Campfire, Dances, Pool Parties, etc.

9pm Cabin Time. Cabin time is used to connect with you campers about their day, help get them ready for bed and any early morning activities.

10pm Lights Out. Lights out for everyone, even staff. Self-care and rest are important here at MMR!

Staff Testimonials

Mountain Meadow Ranch is SO much more than an idyllic oasis in the woods. Here lies a place where what it means to be a family is redefined: Friends become family in just two short weeks. As a counselor, you will realize how the children rely upon you, but even more inspiring is the way you will learn that you rely on them. MMR counselors are role models. We are held to the highest standard, but through those standards we learn to rise to a set of expectations that we should have already set for ourselves. At Mountain Meadow Ranch the best version of yourself will surface, surrounded by campers and staff whom only wish to see you succeed!

- Abigail Goad, Counselor

One of the biggest things I learned from camp is to truly live in the moment. It sounds cliché but it’s so important to stop and think and just really exist in a moment without worrying about the past or looking forward…MMR taught me a lot of things; it taught me to be selfless, to live in the moment, and that genuine friendships are hard to come by, and what a true friendship really is.

- Kaileigh Phelps, Counselor

Although the group of staff come from all over the world, thanks to the great recruitment they share so much with one with another, as people and their values. During staff week there is an almost instant bond where lifelong friendships are made. You work together, you learn together, you laugh together, you cry together.

- Edward Reeves, Counselor