About Us

Mission & Philosophy

Our mission is to create a genuine, fun, and enriching environment where young people can unplug from the pressures of modern life, connect with nature, and grow through challenges. 

At Mountain Meadow we aim to cultivate a sense of community, stewardship, and personal growth, helping campers develop character, resilience, and lifelong connections.


So much more than just a summer camp!

Mountain Meadow Ranch is tons of fun. It’s also a place where fears are conquered and identities found.

Our philosophy centers around servanthood, and the heart of our camp flows from servant leadership. Each individual is encouraged to “serve all” in order to create a community that can thrive. At camp we live in community with others and with nature. Our hope is to provide a caring and authentic social environment that enhances all of our activities. We work to create an environment that is genuine, mindful, holistic, and full of laughter and joy!

This is a place where genuine relationships flourish. With our small enrollment, a strong sense of family forms quickly during each camp session. We help each other find joy in our uniqueness and encourage all to dance outside their comfort zones.

A few Parent Testimonials

“My son returned from camp a different person. He is more mature, more nurturing, more self aware. He was always someone I thought would not be a sleep-away camp kid – however he loves it. He wants to be a camp counselor at MMR when age appropriate and this is amazing!!”

-Camp Parent

My kids LOVE MMR. I appreciate that they seem to have bonds with their counselors and the owners/directors of the camp. I love the no screen policy and love that I know my kids are well cared for even if I do not hear from them while they are at camp.”

-Camp Parent

“The whole spirit of Mountain Meadows is amazing. It was truly special for him. He was the youngest camper at 7 but always felt included and attended to.”

-Camp Parent

We live by our values.

At Mountain Meadow Ranch, our Directors and staff lead by example. We model the core values of inclusivity, authenticity, mindfulness, empathy, integrity, and stewardship. Our hope is that young people carry the Mountain Meadow experience and values with them long after they leave the ranch.


Connection is hardwired into our human DNA, and feeling welcome and accepted is a vital step in establishing a safe community. This is the foundation of our Servanthood philosophy, the sooner everyone feels included, the sooner we can live and play authentically.


The harmony of representing one’s true nature or beliefs; while celebrating the uniqueness of others. It requires vulnerability, transparency, and integrity. At camp, our goal is for everyone to feel free to be their full, authentic selves. It is here that we can best dance outside of our comfort zones.


Empathy at its core is communicating the beautiful message of “you are not alone.” Our world needs empathy, and at camp, we get to learn how to do that in safe relationships with forgiveness and understanding when we get it wrong.


Sometimes defined as the ability to know what’s happening within, without getting carried away by it. Mindfulness is a vital practice to living in today’s world. At camp, without phones and the constant pressure of social media, we get to reconnect with our inner self and ground mindfully into the present moment.


Choosing courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them. At MMR, we get to grow in understanding our values, and how to practice them in kindness.


Stewardship means a call for a purpose larger than oneself and larger than today’s drive for instant gratification and material gain. It pays attention to supporting the common good of the community, the earth and people outside your circle. At camp we live in community with others and with nature, this creates a powerful environment to experience the value of stewardship.

We’d love to show you more.